If you stop reading now and leave this post with that one point, I’m happy.

The recording that is posted is comprised mostly of the Powerpoint, but also has a small image of you, the teacher, at the bottom right slide, overlapping the Powerpoint image a bit.There is a hateful war being waged by academic presenters and it’s against the font, Comic Sans. Most videoconferenced lectures are recorded and posted on the (password protected) portal for student review. Leaving Space on the Powerpoint for the Recording Inset For more information on the rationale and the mechanics of this, please see the "Creating 16:9 Presentations" section. We recommend creating or adapting an existing 4 X 3 Powerpoint presentation to 16 X 9. Make sure your text doesn't run to the edge of the slide as it may get cut off during projection.Don’t reduce font size to fit information in start a new slide instead.Avoid animations and page transitions beyond straight cuts.Avoid cursive fonts as they may be hard to read.Use basic fonts like Arial, Tahoma or Verdana.Anything smaller may become hard to read for students sitting farther away from the screen and on the recording Below are a few tips for your presentations to ensure they will be easily legible on the lecture screens and compatible with the videoconference environment.